“WE”, “YOU” AND “ME”.


We are all creators.  This fact is what makes us divine. 

As children, the creative process is alive in us.  We have no fear as we create.  We are just doing what comes naturally.  We create.  We play.  We daydream.  As we grow, if we don’t take great care, this innate quality gets tarnished and squashed until it is snuffed out completely. 


I love connecting with “You” at an emotional level through my art.  Art is meant to be shared.  It is meant to stir emotions in you.  There is an exchange of energy when you connect with a creation.   I paint and create to connect with you.   What do you feel when you see and touch my creations?  Do you feel that same magic that I felt in the studio as I created this moment for us to share?

I know this narrative intimately.  Twenty years ago, I was lost in the adult world so deeply that I was almost completely gone.  It was in this dark time that I found hope, light and the healing power of creation that had been so alive in me as a child. 


My healing started with little paper mache figures and grew into wooden structures.  Power tools restored my own power.  The more sawdust I created, the more paint I used, the healthier I became.

The gallon pails of cheap house paint were replaced by fine art oil paints when a dear friend shared an afternoon of play with me.  I will never forget the wholeness I felt mixing those fine art oil paints for the first time.  On that day, I knew I had found the missing part of my soul.  It was a magical moment. 

I see now the beauty of being broken, completely broken, for it allowed me to again find that divine creator in me. 

Bella Rotta - Beautiful Broken, was born out of my own brokenness.

My studio is a very sacred place.  This is where all my worries and troubles leave and I am filled with deep internal peace.  I believe one reason for this is due to the very physical nature of the ten-step Bella Rotta process.  It requires me to be completely present; body, mind and soul.  I leave this harsh chaotic world and step into MY world of harmony with the play of color, texture and composition.  The Bella Rotta process heals me inside and out day after day. 


I am so thankful for the opportunity to share Bella Rotta with you.

My Roots

Creating The Video: How I got my name, "Rolinda."