I know what you are thinking, GROSS!!! Yes it is.
There is something magical that occurs when I get into a state of "flow" in the studio. The whole world slips away from me and it's just me and my painting. When I'm in this deep state of the creation process, I forget that I have a body. Time slips away. I forget to eat. It's generally at the moment after a long, intense painting session that I realize that my body is crashing. That's why I keep cans of tuna in my studio.
I love how the body lets us know what it needs. When I first started turning to tuna to help pull me out of the crash, I would take the time to drain the juice from the can. I remember the first time I was so desperate to balance out my body. I thought, "Man, that tuna juice looks good!" So I drank it, and WOW!!!! Instantly felt better. I'm to the point now that I actually crave the stuff.
I told a friend about this weird tuna thing. His reaction was disgust. And then he was like, "That's brilliant! It's like orange juice for a diabetic.". Or in my case it's my Popeye's Spinach. ;)
What does your Tuna Juice "fix" look like?????